Thursday, May 3, 2012

The poor guy

There was a poor guy named Rohit Andrews who was a farmer. Despite having a heavy schedule he never forgot to spend time with his animals.He lived in Cambridge. He had many animals such as dogs,horses,cats,goats,hens etc. He loved a horse named 'Horsy'the most. One day while riding on the horse, he was stopped by a car. It was a Limousine. He got worried. "What have I done?" he thought worriedly.A man in a black suit came to him. Rohit's heart started racing quickly. The man came to him gently and in a polite manner asked him to the borrow the Horse.When Rohit asked the reason the man said that he was a film director and he needed the horse badly for a movie. The director said that he would give £87,000 to him per shot.This was the turning point of Rohit's life. Rohit didn't sold the horse but only lent it.Rohit was becoming rich day by day.Loads of directors came to him and paid him huge amounts of pounds,but he didn't notice that the horse was been given harmful medicines which harmed the horse.One day Rohit got the news of his deceased horse. It had died due to the overdose of medicine. He was emotionally broken down and vowed never to give away an animal for money. He donated 75% of his money to a charity. Now, he lives a normal life.